David Sedaris 

Symphony Hall

The more things change—in our aging bodies, in our families and our relationships, in politics and society in general—the more we need David Sedaris. He slices through the chaos with spot-on observations, incisive wit, and, somehow, a humane and relatable point of view. 

Share a smile, a laugh, or a knowing smirk with fellow fans when David Sedaris returns to Symphony Hall to read new and unpublished material you can only hear live and in-person!

Essayist and short story writer Cindy House opens the show with a brief reading. Mother Noise—her 2023 memoir about living in recovery, motherhood, and living with the past—features Cindy's friend and champion David Sedaris. 

Plan to stay after the reading: David will meet every person in line. Bring a book for him to sign or purchase one before the show from our independent bookstore partner. 

asl intepretation icon This performance will feature American Sign Language interpretation. Click here for seats.


“In my favorite type of Sedaris essay — the kind I’ll keep rereading — the author takes an unusual or taboo topic, such as death or incontinence, and then shows us how a group of flawed characters including himself circle around that topic; but then, in the last paragraph or two, he unleashes a blast of tenderness or humanity that catches you off guard. ”

The New York Times

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