Jad Abumrad 
How to Talk to a Human 

Sanders Theatre

Journalist Jad Abumrad, creator and former co-host of NPR’s Radiolab, returns to Celebrity Series with his latest project, How to Talk to a Human, an innovative, lively, and timely presentation about the art and science of interviews and tough conversations.  

Drawing on his first-hand experience in journalism, Abumrad delves into proven strategies for important conversations and considers methods used by professionals in disparate fields: how do therapists, salespeople, or hostage negotiators draw out necessary information and win over their conversation partners? 

Through a captivating mix of audio clips, personal anecdotes, and interactive games, Abumrad entertains and educates: he equips the audience with practical skills that can be used to navigate difficult or high-stakes conversations with confidence and empathy.

Listen to Jad Abumrad's Dolly Parton's America on Spotify

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