Midori, violin & Özgür Aydin, piano
in Boston, MA
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Standout Jerusalem-based contemporary dance company Vertigo returns to Boston with Artistic Director Noa Wertheim’s newest work MAKOM. The work, whose title derives from the Hebrew for “place,” is described as “a perpetual search of a return to the place that brings us closer to ourselves.”
The evening-length piece – with its tension between the center and the extremities, between form and content, between inside and outside, and between construction and destruction – beautifully dramatizes the striving for unity and wholeness that speaks profoundly to the human condition.
Makom in Hebrew means “place” and describes a real or imaginary location. Makom can also be a spiritual refuge, a home, wherever.
Noa Wertheim’s new creation Makom deals with a world out of balance and therefore unfolds a movement language that strives from the centre outwards, to the extremities and to extremes. It‘s a perpetual quest for the restoration of equilibrium. Form and content are the main notions: Form stands for the human body, the outer structure. The content is the inner essence, our soul. The choreography outlines polarities, between an inside and an outside, between right and left, construction and destruction. Only towards the end a unification of the extremes is strived for, also symbolized by the set design: wooden sticks (a material from nature) are put together to form a bridge. The bridge enables relationship and communication and allows an encounter in the centre, a return to Makom. (written by | Silke Meier-Brösicke)
Choreographer | Noa Wertheim
Co-Choreographer | Rina Wertheim-Koren
Music | Ran Bagno Chello | Hila Epstein Violin | Galia Hai
Dancers Creators | Etai Peri, Sian Olles, Eden Ben Shimol, Micah Aimos, Ruth Ben David, Ilan Kolubovich, Shani Licht, Noa Israeli, Theo Samsworth
Lighting Design | Dani Fishof – Magenta
Costume Design | Sasson Kedem
Stage Design | Zohar Shoef
Stage design execution | Dani Goldenberg – Vertigo Eco Art Village
Company Manager | Sandra Brown
“Vertigo reaches dizzying heights ”
The Boston Globe
in Boston, MA
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